
The journey of mothrhood

Personal Trainers Work For The Devil

on January 20, 2012

Extremely sore after my first experience with a personal trainer. First off I should start by saying that I am a big wimp, I am lazy and always try to find the easy quick fix first. Realizing now that there is no quick fix for weight loss, the gym seemed to be the way to go. It was however my last resort. I even bought some Slim With Out The Gym videos…….hmmmm, where are those anyway? If you read my post on Loosing The Baby Weight then you know I have been struggling with weight issues for a while now. Last night my sister meets me to go to the gym, our new hopefully lasting new routine. She was so excited to tell me that I was in for a treat because she had set up a personal trainer for us! YIPEE! Amanda, my little sister is about 5 foot 5 and a half maybe 105 pounds 30 years old, with new plastic boobs and a rockin body. I hate working out beside her at the gym in fact the her physic in general just irritates me, and lets not forget she is also a mommy! I can’t even say well wait to you have kids and then you’ll see how hard its, nope, nothing just have to except that she is just my constant reminder of all that I am not. Jokes aside I am really close with her and wouldn’t know what to do with out her, she is my rock, as I am hers. We arrive at the gym and sure enough there he, is Mr. Fit.ย  Amanda explains to me that this is the way to see results faster and she assures me I wont regret it. Work out begins, 5 minutes in I realize that I have a long, long journey a head of me. I had been to the gym before, I had workouts before or so |I thought…..apparently I was very wrong. I had never in my life worked out like this and if this was considered a real work out than I in fact had never done one. I always believed if I went on the treadmill or elliptical for 45min that was a great work out, weights are for guys who wanted to build muscle……are they not? Mr. fit explained to me just how important weights would be in order for me to reach my desired goals. Low weights, high reps in order to burn fat and tone muscle. Ok, good tip! I had no idea how to use these weights and weight machines but Mr. Fit was guiding me through each and every one, while watching me and adjusting my arms when he felt they needed adjusting. We did arms last night. I was actually sweating while doingย  weights and my chicken wings were shaking ambarassingly through most of my sets , but eventually it was over. Thank God for that. then I was told it was on to cardio! The elliptical it was, 30 min later I was officially done. Sweating my fat but off, hopefully I threw my towel in the gym hamper and left the gym. After this episode I’m riding home in my sisters Jeep and I get the worst toe cramp I have ever had in my life, my foot resting on her dash-board screaming like a child. Amanda is laughing so hard In fear an accident coming. After the cramp settled and we were quietly absorbed in our own little thought , I looked at Amanda and said… You know they are really coming out with some great styles for the Plus Size Women! She howled with laughter yet once again. Tonight we do legs, and I am worried and excited all at the same time. My sister is right about one thing Mr. fit is going to allow me to see results much faster he makes me accountable and that is good for someone like me. I am sick of having flabby chicken wing arms and rumpley cottage cheese legs and I think Mr. fit really could be the answer.

3 responses to “Personal Trainers Work For The Devil

  1. Farang Mama says:

    Hahaha… you’re so funny!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Really enjoyed the read but, I feel you on every line, it is as they say; “nothing comes for free”… I don’t really have a gym option as they’re charging ridiculous amounts of money over where I’m at and I could surely do with a Mr Fit to push my limits but 3 weeks into my own new regimen, I’ve surprised myself on sticking to it… my clothes are already noticing the difference… so, whatever you do; DON’T GIVE UP… You’ll feel tons better… now, I am a bit curious… did you do the legs session!?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I did do the legs, couldn’t walk up my stairs very well the day after, brutal! Congrats on sticking with your routine! what are you doing? It is hard for me to make to the gym all the time, some at home work outs would be great.

    • Farang Mama says:

      Good on you, girl!!! Hahaha I do know that brutal feeling! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, I do intervals (brisk walk/sprints) on my treadmill (bought a 2nd hand bargain, the best thing I’ve ever done), a selection of basic yoga poses, stretching and basic tummy, back, butt & arm strengthening exercises… about 90 min/day…. but, when the muscles protest I’d wish I’d have someone to yell at me to do a few more repeats, as I do have ‘lazy’ running in my veins at times too… ๐Ÿ˜‰

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