
The journey of mothrhood

Siblings…to have another or not?

on January 25, 2012

I already have 3 great kids! 2 teenagers 16 and 13 and then my little one who is only 15 months old. Most moms go through the phases with their kids around the same time, baby phase toddler preschooler ect…. I have 2 complete parenting phases happening all at the same time. It is so nice to watch the older ones interact with their baby sister, they enjoy her so much and she loves them a lot! But I also see how close my older two are and how they have each other through tough times, fun times , all times. In each other they have a confidant, and a buddy. I often wonder if my little one will miss out if I don’t have another one, someone close in age for her to grow up with. What do you think? Right now she is the center of attention and is smart as a whip hanging out with the big kids, but does she need a sidekick of  a similar age? Hmmm…..Should I or shouldn’t I? that is the question.

2 responses to “Siblings…to have another or not?

  1. Roxanne says:

    Well based on your post it seems to me that Mrs. Princess has plenty of love. With a sidekick or not she will grow up very happy and probably have very many friends. Now the real question is, does mommy want another one? I think you do. When you have a strong loving family why not grow it? There is always room for more.

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