
The journey of mothrhood

Siblings…to have another or not?

I already have 3 great kids! 2 teenagers 16 and 13 and then my little one who is only 15 months old. Most moms go through the phases with their kids around the same time, baby phase toddler preschooler ect…. I have 2 complete parenting phases happening all at the same time. It is so nice to watch the older ones interact with their baby sister, they enjoy her so much and she loves them a lot! But I also see how close my older two are and how they have each other through tough times, fun times , all times. In each other they have a confidant, and a buddy. I often wonder if my little one will miss out if I don’t have another one, someone close in age for her to grow up with. What do you think? Right now she is the center of attention and is smart as a whip hanging out with the big kids, but does she need a sidekick of  a similar age? Hmmm…..Should I or shouldn’t I? that is the question.


Montessori Floor Bed

This is our version and creation of a Montessori floor bed. When I first had my daughter we used a regular crib, she didn’t like her crib at all and would sleep much more peacefully and longer on my bed or even cushions on the floor. She woke up happier too if she wasnt in her crib, not crying I would hear her giggling or babbling away instead, I had never heard of a Montessori bed before I had only heard of the schools and really knew nothing about who they were or any of their methods. We were moving housing and I was searching on line for decorating ideas including ideas for my little girls new room, this is how I stumbled across the floor bed, I knew right away this would be great for my baby. I started searching for Montessori nurseries on-line and a lot of the ones I saw used a crib mattress, this was not going to work for us because one of the reason my little one didn’t like her crib was  that she loved to roll around and stretch out. I decided to design a double size Montessori bed that we could build. it turned out great! My little girl loves sleeping in and it looks so cute and princess like. it’s also very unique. I really love  a lot of the Montessori theories but have only just started to learn , I would love to hear from other Montessori moms or anyone else who used a floor bed instead of a crib.

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Loosing the baby weight

Can I still call it baby weight 15 months later? I have struggled with weight for more than half of my life. After my first 2 kids I was overweight for years. Eventually I did get to my goal weight, when my youngest was 10. That latest about a year and a half, a year and a half of finally being able to go the beach without a cover up, shopping was fun and I felt good about myself. Then I got pregnant again. I was so excited about having another baby but the truth be told I was petrified about getting fat, again. I know, vain. But that really was my main fear. So, I vowed that this time would be different. i would eat right, excercise throughout the pregnancy. This time I would do better. This dream latest until I was about 15 weeks pregnant and I realized I was gaining too much weight too fast. The pizza, the late night snacks and the complete lack of excercise were showing their ugly face in fatness. on the bright side my baby was doing great, I was going to have a little girl. Plan B kicked in…..relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I told myself that I would get right back on track as soon as she was born.  My little angel was born October 23 2010….and yup, still haven’t lost the weight. I can give you a ton of  excuses, I have 3 kids, I work full-time, I am tired, my relationship has not been going well at all….blah blah blah. But if I am really honest with myself, there will be no easy way to do this, no perfect time to start. Life is full of surprises and challenges and moms are busy. I often would look at other moms, skinny moms and wonder why can it not be like this for me? Women all over the world eat right and excercise even moms, so if they can do why can’t I? the reality is, I can! So last week I took the first step towards skinny street, I went to the gym with my sister. I got  a membership and went 4 times my first week. this is week 2 and its been a bit difficult. Monday, worked all day and had a dentist in the evening finally home just before 9pm. Tuesday had to work late didn’t get home until 8 30 pm. Wednesday, again worked late and didn’t get home until after 8 pm. Needless to say no gym. today is Thursday, actually had an early day at work and will be going to the gym tonight. I could so just give up right now, my schedule just seems way too hectic. However, I am determined to make this work, spent this afternoon playing with my baby and talking to the older kids about life…tonight gym with my sister! i am feeling really positive that one day soon I will be able to post a blog titled….How I lost The Baby Weight. wish me luck!


Hello Mommies

I am new to blogging , but I think it will be a fun experience and a great way to connect with other moms and share stories.I am a very busy mom to 3 great kids aged 16 years, 13years and 14 months. 2 girls and a boy. I am very lucky to have such amazing kids. I also work full-time. I am from Canada but we live in Mexico now, life is definitely and adventure. I am a very unconventional mommy with a lot of opinions but I just want to be the best mom I can be and enjoy life to the fullest. I am really looking forward to sharing my crazy days and experiences with you!

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